Age Requirement Policy
While the White Marsh Rec. Dance Program offers dance classes to students ages 3 and above (adult classes are offered), certain age requirements must be met to participate in each style of dance.
Please note that students must be the appropriate age by August 31st in order to participate.
Attendance Policy
Attending class on a regular basis is imperative. Dedication to class not only ensures students are prepared for the recital, but also helps students get the most out of their dance experience. Additionally, attending class allows students to improve their skill set, build strong relationships with their teachers and classmates, and develop lasting self-confidence. Because attending class each week is so important, all students who participate in WMRC Dance Program’s Recital Session must comply with the program’s attendance policy. Please see the Attendance Policy page for details regarding the attendance requirements.
Weather Related Closures
The White Marsh Rec. Dance Program follows Baltimore County Public School's schedule for weather-related closures; therefore, if Baltimore County Schools close early or close for the day due to inclement weather, all dance classes for that day will also be cancelled. Additionally, if Baltimore County Recs. and Parks cancels after-school and evening activities, all dance classes must also be cancelled. All other cancellations will be posted on the Calendar page and/or on the dry erase board located inside the dance room.
Behavior Policy
The White Marsh Rec. Dance Program works with all students to offer them the best dance experience possible, and that includes holding students to certain standards in regards to behavior.
A positive behavior system is used by all teachers to reward students who demonstrate appropriate behaviors. Students who demonstrate positive behaviors during class are rewarded with a stamp or sticker at the end of class. On occasion, teachers may even give 2 stamps or stickers to reward students who go above and beyond during class. However, if a student demonstrates a negative behavior during class, he/she will be given a warning and asked to modify that behavior. If a student continues to act inappropriately, he/she will not rewarded with a stamp or sticker at the end of class. Additionally, if a student continues to demonstrate negative behaviors after receiving several warnings from a teacher, he/she will be asked to take a time-out from class. If the negative behaviors continue, and are extremely disruptive to class, other behavior plans may be put into place; however, if the student is not able to control his/her behaviors, he/she may be asked to leave class (this would only happen in extreme situations).
Refund Policy
For the Summer Session, a full refund will only be given if the program is unable to accommodate the student's availability as it is recorded on the registration paperwork. If a student drops out even though we are able to accommodate a her availability (according to the information provided on the registration paperwork), a partial refund may be given, but the amount will be determined by the program's chairperson.
For the Recital Session, the refund policy is as follows:
For the Summer Session, the refund policy is as follows:
Payment Policy
The White Marsh Rec. Dance Program accepts payments in the form of cash or a check made to WMRC. Please note that there is a $25 charge for any returned checks.
Communication Policy
The Marsh Rec. Dance Program communicates with parents and students in a variety of ways, including the use of dry erase boards, emails, and paper flyers. Teacher contact information is also available upon request, so parents and students can have an open line of communication with instructors. Additionally, the chairperson, Pat Watters, may be contacted by phone for payment related questions. Finally, the program's director, Jen Morris, may be contacted by email if necessary. Please visit the Contact page for more information.
The White Marsh Rec. Dance Program has several policies in place in order to maintain organization, keep students and their families informed, and ensure all students receive the best dance experience possible.